Opitcian question?!

Question: Opitcian question!?
Has any one been to the optician for an eye test ,and they have been told that they have diabetus!? I had an eye test last week and the optician said When you go to your doctor next ,ask him for a diabetic screeing !.Very worriedWww@Answer-Health@Com

Yes, I've done that, as gently as possible, to a lot of people!.

Though I would not normally be that definite, just say that there were further tests that needed to be done, as there were signs that diabetes was a possibility!.

Sometimes type II diabetes has been present for some time, and there are indications on the retina at the back of the eye but, more often, it's less definite than that, the first clue being an unstable Rx!.
I make glasses, person picks them up and can't see with them, I recheck and get a different Rx!.!.!.
I think I've had an off day and re-make the glasses, person picks them up and can't see with them!.!.!.
Rx is now nearer to first Rx!.
Not a neat test for diabetes, but it's found it in numerous people!.

Now, about the worried!.!.!.
Either it will turn out not to be diabetes, in which case you're OK, AND you've been thoroughly assessed,
or it is diabetes, in which case you're miles better off for having had it found!.

Honestly, we don't put it there!. We only find it!.
Optometrist, retired!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Diabetes can affect the veins in the retina and this will be picked up in an eye examination!.

The fact that you are (presumably) feeling okay suggests that any condition is mild, but you should go and get this checked out by your doctor sooner rather than later!.

Diabetes is easy to control, but can lead to serious health problems if left untreated!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Wouldn't you rather know than not!?

I would just go to your GP and get it double checked!.

Ophthalmologists can tell a lot from an eye screening!. I went for a routine eye check up as I was using a PC more in my work!. I was advised to go and see my GP as my ophthalmologist was worried about what he had seen!. My GP referred me to the Ophthalmology dept at the hospital and there I was told I had cataracts!!!

When I had the cataracts removed, (I was the youngest in the clinic by about 40 years) I was told that had the optician not noticed them then I would have been blind by the time I was 45!

So, they do see more things than shortsightedness!!Www@Answer-Health@Com

One of the places that excess sugar or glucose builds in is the lens of the eyes, this can effect your vision!. You could be diabetic or just border line diabetic!. This means you should count down on your sugar intake!. I know when my glucose count is higher then normal because my vision becomes a little blurry!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Not been told that but they reckon an optician can see loads from the eyes!. Go and get checked by your doc!. However, as he said next time he's not that concernedWww@Answer-Health@Com

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