OMG I THINK I MESSED UP!! please help...please?!

Question: OMG I THINK I MESSED UP!! please help!.!.!.please!?
i went to the eye dr to see how much my degree changed!. he let me look thru this machine and see if i can read the numbers one eye at a time!. i guess he said "dont squint" cuz i didn't pay attention and when i read the numbers to him using my left eye, i was squinting!. then he had me look into the machine with my right eye only and read him the numbers and he said "dont squint" and i heard him!. i cant really see them so he put in a diffrent lens in or something and then i could read it!. well now, the dr said my right eye is worse then my left eye!. i didnt realize that i made the mistake until right now[8:30 at night]!. ok the dr ordered the contacts for me already and it takes a week for it to get here!. so can i switch the contacts around so that my left eye has the higher perscription contact and my right eye has the lower one!? my bangs cover my right eye so i guess i dont need to work that eye as hardWww@Answer-Health@Com

I think you are talking about the auto-refractor!. It is a machine that gives an approximation of your prescription!. Squinting may have affected the reading, but doctors use the printout only as a starting point to do the manual refraction in the exam chair!. No machine, that I am aware of, is accurate enough to take the place of an old fashioned, manual exam by your optometrist!.

I strongly doubt that any doctor would not double check the machine!. If the contacts are incorrect for any reason, please do not switch them!. Your eyes are too delicate to take liberties with!. You should just wear your glasses until the updated prescription arrives!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

The squinting probably did nothing important!.

1!. Don't worry about the new lenses!.

2!. Don't switch the lenses!.

Trust that your doctor verified your examination findings a couple of ways prior to reaching a final prescription!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

haha i actually was in the same situation as you once!. squinting probably did affect the blurriness but not too much!. you should have spoke up and said "i squinted!.!.!.can you just give me a sec to clear them up!?" lol i didnt speak up cuz i thought that would be annoying to him!. when you get them, wear them and see if you definitely can tell a difference in how strong it is to your eye!. if you can't tell, keep wearing them for a few more hours till you can tell something is wrong, other than that, i think you're fine!. but next time you visit your optometrist, tell him if he can check your eyes again and dont be afraid to speak up!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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