Are my eyes infected?!

Question: Are my eyes infected!?
I slept with my contacts in on Tuesday night by accident and they were really itchy yesterday!. My eyes got puffy and red because of the rubbing and my friend thought I was crying

Today my eyes were burning, they felt solid like a board when I rubbed them, they were watery, puffy and red from rubbing, bloodshot from rubbing,dry, and when I put the over the counter eye drops in they burned my eyes!.

Could this be pink-eye!?
My eyes also kept crusting like when you wake up today and for some reason I have a headache and I always get headaches and toothaches when my eyes hurt!.

My eyes feel sticky right now even though they are dry and not crusty

when I took my contacts out it felt like there was an eyelash or something in my eye for like 10 minutes and it hurt really badly
I do also have allergiesWww@Answer-Health@Com

you may have an corneal barasion form over wearing your contacts!. You shoud try were your glass for a while and also try not to rub your eyesWww@Answer-Health@Com

You may have an infection, you may have scratched your eye(s)- either way, get an emergency appointment with an ophthalmologist or go to a hospital- neither are conditions you want to sit around with!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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