Partially Color Blind?!


Partially Color Blind?

Apparently i mix up greens, greys and blues.
I see some greens as blue, and some blues as green, and most greys as blue. This isn't normal, espeically since im a girl. Im just wondering why my brain processees the colors this way.

I first noticed it when i thought the tiles in the bathroom were a cadet blue, more blue than grey though, and my mom told me they were slate grey. Then the prayer books in church are apparently blue but i see them as green with a tiny hint of blue in them.

So today my mom drove me around pointing at cars, houses and signs and asking me the colors. I kept getting them wrong. After about 10 minutes i pointed to a car and i said "That HAS to be blue" and my mom goes "No, its green." and im like "Mommy, my phone isn't blue is it?" and she told me that it's a charcol grey, even though i see it as a steel blue.

serioulsy, why is this?


All you have is a colour vision defeciency, most likely to be genetic, I would just suggest having your eyes checked health wise because certain eye conditions such as optic neuritis (associated with multiple sclerosis) affect colour judgement. Although glasses cannot really correct colour vision, apparently there is a contact lens called CHROMAGEN which claims to help ppl with colour vision judgments

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