Could i become blind?!


Could i become blind?

i've been wearing glasses since i was in 2nd grade and my vision has gotten weaker everytime i get new glasses. But i heard that glasses make your eyes more dependent on them. Is there a stronger possibility that i could become permanently blind when i get older. Would laser surgery or any type of surgery for my eyes help. If i stop wearing glasses, can my eyes become a little more independent. My friend needed glasses but he never used it and his vision was actually better.


You're not going blind. Many people start wearing glasses at a young age and never go "blind". But they do have to wear their glasses all the time. If your vision is so bad that is bothers you that much, you may want to look into laser surgery as an option when you get older. They normally won't perform surgery on someone under 18 or with unstable vision (meaning your prescription needs to remain unchanged for at least one year)

Also, you friend who no longer has to wear glasses may not have had very strong prescription in the first place. And with a weak prescription, some people do return to "normal" vision.

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