The doctor said I have borderline glaucoma, how long will it be before it gets r!


The doctor said I have borderline glaucoma, how long will it be before it gets really bad?


It depends on several factors. Age, co-existence of hypertension and diabetes, ethnicity also plays a role. Previous optic nerve disease also affects glaucoma progression. MOST IMPORTANTLY, if you're treated properly or not will determine glaucoma progression.

There are several tests that are available to document "PRE-PERIMETRIC GLAUCOMA" or glaucoma which can not be detected by traditional visual perimetry.

Ask your ophthalmologist about Nerve Fiber Analysis (OCT, GDx, HRT) and short wave length automated perimetry (SWAP) and Frequency Doubling Perimetry (FDP).

In the end, glaucomatous damage usually occurs (if you DO have glaucoma) at a minimum of 3 mos. This is the reason why most ophthalmologists will order for a perimetry every three months.

It would still be best to discuss these matters in person with your ophthalmologist.

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