My left eye hurts sometimes in the back an and my eyesight is getting?!


My left eye hurts sometimes in the back an and my eyesight is getting?

worse!!!!!! Help!


If you are having ocular pain, and this is associated with decreased vision, you really need to see an ophthalmologist. Lots of reasons for eye pain. But with the decreased vision, there's a medical cause.

For instance. The lens of the eye comes from the same embryonic layer as the skin. ego...certain skin diseases such as psoriasis can cause problems with the lens, such as fogging, or opacification...which is called a cataract. But it doesn't HURT.

The white part of the eye, the SCLERA can become inflammed, and when it does, it hurts. If the back part of the sclera becomes inflammed (posterior scleritis) it causes a pain that's sort of a deep ache. Because it's near the retina, in the back, one can have visual symptoms as well.

Inflammation of the blue part, or brown part or whatever color it is for you or whoever, the IRIS, is called IRITIS. When this layer is inflammed, the eye hurts. White cells get into the eye, and the inflammatin of the iris makes it so that light hurts. This is called photophobia or fear of light. It can also be associated with decreased vision, but pain is the more frequent symptom.

If the colored layer, when it goes back inside the eye, next to the white part...becomes inflammed, that's called UVEITIS or Choroiditis. The back part is the Choroid, the front part is the IRIS, and the whole layer is called the UVEA or UVEAL TRACT or layer. It's a latin term...such that uva...the spanish word for grape is similar. If you took the white part of the eye away, you'd have a round dark ball that looks like a dark grape.

There are LOTS of causes of uveitis....Sarcoidosis, Syphilis, Tuberculosis, Trauma, Infections, Systemic diseases such as Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis....and on....There's a whole subspecialty in ophthalmology for this area of medicine alone!

The optic nerve is back there too. An OPTIC NEURITIS is painful and associated with pain. Not a good problem. Can lead to a severe loss of sight.

you really sort of need to have an ophthalmologist take a look at it.

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