Laser eye surgery and 'jittery' eyes while focusing?!


Laser eye surgery and 'jittery' eyes while focusing?

I do not know how the surgery works, and one of my concerns about getting laser eye surgery is a weird thing I get when I'm trying to concentrate my vision at a single point. I assume the surgeon requires you to focus on a specific point so he can do his work, but sometimes my eyes will jump away for a split second and lose their position... do you know what I mean?

I get it so often, sometimes, that I doubt I could endure the whole procedure without it happening at least once. My eyes simply won't stay looking at 1 point for extended periods of time. This sucks, because I'm an artist, and it causes me to mess up my work sometimes. :P


I had lasiks last year. And the surgery only took about 5-10 minutes. I was worried too about having to focus on a small dot for a long time.
However I only had to look at the dot for a few seconds so my eye stayed straight the entire time. ALSO they put a black dot on your eye ball before the surgery(with a surgical pen that looks like a sharpy) When I went into the surgery room they had me sit down and put the dot on each pupil because I was told people's eyes move when they lie down. So they know where to align the laser so it comes out straight on the eye ball. You dont have to stare that long so you would be fine and you will be able to keep your eye straight.

What happened to me is that (i had bladeless custom lasiks) I sat down. An assitant put dots on my eye balls (I was given numbing drops before surgery so i couldnt feel her touch my eye). Then they taped both eyes open. They moved me to one machine to make the cut on each lense then taped one eye shut.
Then the one eye open I had to look at a red dot for a few seconds then they taped it shut. then did the same thing on the other eye. Then they took the tape off both eyes and i was done.
Took about 5-10 minutes tops. So only a small part of the procedure is looking at a dot.

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