Should I keep my glasses on?!


Should I keep my glasses on?

Well i just went to get an eye examination and the results are in. In a one year period i went from -1.50 to a -2.25. Here's my question: I don't wear my glasses a lot, and only when i need to see long distances. I'm 14 years old and vision is just going to increase. My eye specialist told me not to wear my glasses when I don't need them, but i though poeple said if you keep your glasses on all the time it helps your eyes relax and spend less energy to concentrate.

So should I wear my glasses all the time, or listen to her and wear them only when i need to. It's quite confussing because I always thought that you're vision will be more stable if you always keep your glasses on so your eye spends less energy and can relax. She says the same thing but vice-versa.

Please help me in this decision. You're help is appreciated


if your eye care professional told you to wear your glasses only for distance then thats what you should do...the only reason to wear your glasses all of the time is to get used to wearing them if you are not comfortable with them good luck

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