Why do mosquitoes like me so much and not my fiancee?!


Why do mosquitoes like me so much and not my fiancee?

Two nights ago, I got 7 mosquito bites. Last night, I got 5 more. My fiancee hasn't got any. My mom always told me that mosquitoes liked my sweet blood, but I researched it and found this.

Why do mosquitoes bite? Actually, it is only the females that bite and they do so out of necessity ratther than pleasure. Female mosquitoes seek blood when they are preparing to lay eggs as they need the nourishment to produce healthy offspring. The mosquito's normal diet of plant juices contains none of the proteins a female needs in order to produce her eggs. For that, she needs a concentrated source of protein, which, unfortunately for us, is blood.

If this is true, why do the mosquitoes only bite me?
Also, some of them have started to turn purple. It's acting like a spider bite, and I've never had bites do this.
This is the irritated one
and the normal


Could be for several reasons.
One is genetics - some people are just more appealing to mosquitos because of geneic factors. Another is if you eat certain foods. Bananas act like a mosquito magnet - I don't eat bananas between April and October because of it.
Also, perfumes and lotions will actract moquitos.

A couple things to try to help prevent mosquito bites:
Avon skin so soft lotion, just apply lotion to skin like any other lotion.
Bounce dryer sheets, sounds odd, but rub it on your skin and carry a sheet in your pocket (it really does work).
Do not eat bananas!
OFF bug repelant - they now have a new formula that won't leave your skin all sticky either.

BTW, those bites do not look like mosquito bites to me. They may actually be spider or chigger bites. Get some cortizone-10 anti itch cream to help soothe them until they heal.

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