does Carpel Tunnel go away?!

Question: Does Carpel Tunnel go away?
ive had the beginning signs of carpel tunny syndrum in both hands/wrists/arms for two weeks. i jus recently went to the doctor and got braces for my wrists/hands two days ago.

Will carpel tunny go away at all?


Best Answer - Chosen by Voters

Yes, it's reversible if it's not too serious. If you've only had signs for two weeks you can fix it - I did. You just really need to rest your arms, take something for the pain, and completely reform whatever it was you were doing that caused the problem in the first place - do you know what caused it? For me it was computer mouse use - just in my right arm - and I fixed some problems with my work area and got a trackball 'mouseman' mouse, which is really good.

If it's really bad and permanently damaged you can get surgery.

Hope you feel better soon - man, I know how much it hurts.

I had the beginning signs of it several years ago. I was working in an office & was in front of a computer & typing a lot. I lost my job & the pain went away & I haven't had it since. I took another job doing basically the same thing but haven't had that problem. I honestly think it was the position of the desk & credenza that I was using when typing. Don't continue to do whatever it is that's causing it & I think it will go away. Mine did. Good luck.

Just keep wearing the wrist splints. That's really about all you can do. I used to get cortisone shots, and get relief for about 6 months. Eventually mine got so bad I had the surgery. It probably won't go away if you have to keep keyboarding all the time.

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