I am having a big amount of pain in my abdominal area?!

Question: I am having a big amount of pain in my abdominal area?
My abdominal just starts hurting all of a sudden. I wanted to ask do you think if I smoke Marijuana it will make me feel better. My nurse said I should if I get some pain. I am barely 17 so I don't have a card but I can get it around the streets. Give me some tips please


First of all no medical professional would tell you to get marijuana for pain. If a nurse told you that you need to report him or her but I find it hard to believe they would risk their license and career with a remark that stupid and illegal. Marijuana will not help abdominal pain anyway. Make an appointment with your family doctor and let him check you for Irritable Bowel Syndrome, inflamed appendix, or possibly an ovarian cyst. Until then take 2 regular strength Tylenol every 4-6 hours for pain. If a nurse truly told you that report her asap. I've been an Emergency Room nurse for years and I have never told a patient anything like that nor has anyone I've ever worked with.

I'm an RN

Severe abdominal pain should be evaluated by a professional as it could indicate something serious that may need immediate surgery. Marijuana is not a cure and used to relieve pain only in cases of palliation in cancer patients. It should never be prescribed for pain of undetermined cause. Whoever recommended that to you should be reported to authorities as he/she does not know what he/she is doing. Better go to the ER and be checked.

Retired MD

You can always take over the counter drugs. Go out and buy ALEVE liquid gels,take two the first hour.That should do the trick.

Maybe you ate something bad I would really recommend some motrin maybe even pepto before you go out for some pot

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