The worst ever toothache! Help!!!!?!


The worst ever toothache! Help!!!!?

I have the most serious toothache and gum pain. IIt s radiating into my ear, cheek and up into my eye. Please someone give me your ideas on how to get rid of this pain! It is the worst!!!

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5 days ago
Thanx for all your support.
I have been taking motrin 800 mg like it's candy and swishing Listerine. It doesn't work long. i got Orajel and it helps for a few minutes. I never thought about the infection spreading into my sinuses so thanx for that tip. I was thinking earlier it's almost like I got an instantaneous sinus infection. I am gonna call my doctor in the morning. Please pray it's not that bad. i really have too much going on n my life without this so I am not so thrilled at this little detour. I don't want to get endocarditis or sepsis so I will be takng care of it.

To get my mind off of it I baked a cake for my coworkers a little while ago. And my friend gave me a tylenol w/ codeine so it's starting to kick in- at least the fatigue part of it is.

Anyways, God Bless You All for your help and concern.


i assume you're asking what do to about this now.

if you're in severe pain (like a 10 on the 1-10 pain scale with 10 being the worst pain you've ever felt in your life) then take a trip to the nearest emergency room.

you could have a nasty infection that has now spread into your sinuses (which is causing your cheek and eye pain). you don't want to wait on this b/c the infection can spread and get worse.

if you can wait till morning-call your dentist at once and tell them you need to be seen right away or you'll need to go to the emergency room. you're more than likely going to need antibiotics and possibly minor tooth surgery to correct the problem.

for now-take ibuprofen (if not allergic) to help with the pain. take 200-400mg every 6 hour as needed but no more than 1200mg in 24 hours.

you can try alternating heat with ice to help reduce swelling and ease pain. apply ice for 10-15 mins then within an hour you can apply the heat (use a warm washcloth or special heating pack found in the first aid section of your local drugstore. you can use a heating pad but do not appy directly to your skin) for 10-15 mins. alternate these every hour or you can stick to using whichever one makes you feel better.

if the ibuprofen doesn't work and you're hurting too much to sleep-then head on into the emergency room. they can at least give you some heavy duty pain meds until you can see the dentist.

good luck to you!!

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