Left Arm Swelling What Could IT be ?!

Question: Left Arm Swelling What Could IT be ?
one night it showed up, like to the right of my elbow it swollen about a 3-4 inch oval feels like fluids in it, and the under my fore arm is swollen a tad,

It looks like there was a bite, but its not a big one, and not noticable no itch, no burn and no pain,
Been 24 hours so far and it hasnt gone down, the swollen spots arnt red at all ethier,

I also just started working out 2 weeks ago, and it was my arm workouts the day before,

So what could this be and should i go to the doctor or should it go away on its on?


You should go to a doctor today. If it was a bite, you could have venom in your system. Some venoms take longer than others to wreck havoc on you. Have a medical professional look at it now. I suggest the ER instead of urgent care or a walk in clinic.

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