How come my bones are cracking lately?!

Question: How come my bones are cracking lately?
I stopped drinking soda about 3 weeks ago and after i stopped the bone cracking went down, now all of a sudden my bones are cracking like crazy. I drink a lot of water and gets lot of excercise. I am 13,


Well I am sorry for your troubles but the reason is exercise believe it or not. What happens is your bones in the knees, arms, etc. are constantly rubbing against each other causing friction. Now you can compare this to plate tectonics from a science class. If there is a fault. The two edges are rubbing against each other and get stuck. After enough time and pressure they just SNAP. So when your bones crack it is just relieving built up pressure from exercising. A great way to prevent this is if your not already and if you are do it more frequently is stretch before and after and even during the day at random points in time.

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