What is a good way to stop cramps?!

Question: What is a good way to stop cramps?
I have cramps on my monthly cycle. And they drive me crazy. Midols don't really work for long & neither does ibuprofen! I heard bananas are good but eating isn't really on my mind when I'm cramping like crazy! So anything that would help is nice. Thank You. (:


get a cup of tea.
get some biscuits,
lay on the sofa,
with your duvet,
with a hot water bottle,
and RELAX!


go jogging,
or go to the gym,
exercise helps with these kinds of things.

I don't take tablets,
they don't seem to have an effect on me.
Just crash on the sofa,
or do the complete opposite and get out the house and exercise.
get your mind off things.

Hope this helps!:-)

try a hot water bottle or one of those microwavable bean bag or teddie things, and if you dont have one of those, you could either soak in a hot bath (i dont like to do)- although it does ease the pain.
but if you dont have any of those things try a hair towl (or one of that size) and soak it in warm water (not boiling but hot enough, because it will cool down quite quick) and fold it up, big enough to put on your pelvis area and have a lay down and relax wile its on there until it cools down, you can either heat it up again or keep it off

oh and also, if you have cramps at night and your tired but cant get to sleep, do this while tring to get to sleep (but wrap it up in a tea towl) just incase you fall asleep and it burns you, this is what i do, when i dont do it i have an awful night and feel horrible in the morning, but if you do this at night, you should seem bright as a light in the morning! :) good luck x

ohand sorry its so long, and sorry for any spelling mistakes. x

personal experienses

ibuprofen helps or midal, but midal dont help for me. I will lay down after taking some and hold a heating pad on my stomache for about 20 min. and it usually helps.

Take some ibuprofen and eat some chocolate.

Call your Doctor.

my memory

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