How can I quit biting my nails?!

Question: How can I quit biting my nails?
I've been biting them for as long as I can remember. I bite them when nervous(all the time) and when I'm bored. Lemon juice and Tabasco sauce doesn't work because I just get used to the taste. I bite my finger and toe nails, which sounds gross I know but I can't stop. I bite them till they bleed then I bit my hands, gross again but I just do it without thinking. Any suggestions?


I used to bite my nails about as much as you describe. I stopped. I had a yearning to bite just this little bit off here, and nothing more, but I didn't do it. I stopped. However, it was when I was in my 50's. All prior to that, I bit them lots.

It has been found that some anti-depressants, such as Prozac, also sometimes have a positive effect on obsessive/compulsive disorders, so I wonder if taking Prozac or Zoloft or something similar might help you; a psychologist or psychiatrist might be able to help.……

It is a nervous habit. It may eventually pass over time. You are so accustomed to doing it that, as you say, you are not even conscious you are doing it. That you bite your toenails also, well, that takes some thought and a lot of flexibility, so there must be something comforting to you in chomping on something hard. When you're home or out and about, maybe put something else in your mouth, a lollypop or chewing gum. You could try getting a professional manicure (don't be embarrassed, they've seen everything) and having your nails painted a very bright or unsavory color so when you start to nibble, it will draw your attention and you can tell yourself not to do it. You could try getting acrylic nails which believe me, you can bite as hard as you want and you'll break a tooth before you bite through one of those. Even stick-on fake nails could act as a deterrent. Sure, you can easily pull them off and still bite your nails, but it might remove that unconscious aspect.
I used to pick at and bite my cuticles. Yeah, it was ugly, I know what you mean. I started having my nails done and there wasn't anything to pick at or bite anymore. The urge was gone.

yυc?. вιтιng naιl? ι? a na?тy нaввιт. ι? yoυr a gιrl, тry pυттιng naιl polι?н on тнaт нa? a ?тrong odor. ι? yoυr a gυy...yoυr oυттa lυc? :\ нope ι нelped!

Nail tarnish. It's like a nail polish and it tastes horrible bur it worked for me. You can find it at any store.

No simple answer just try and discipline yourself

put vinegar on them

wear gloves

dip them in snake venom

just eat some food and relax


Well. First of all - if you have access to a microscope, have a look at a finger nail and toe nail under it. There is SO MUCH filth under your nails that you wouldn't believe it. Washing you hands does nothing for the germs and bacteria under there - in fact, it's been proven that pretty much everyone has traces of feces and or urine under their finger nails. How gross is that??! And you're putting that in you mouth!
Think of that next time you start to nibble...

Other than the pure facts of how grossly unhealthy it is to bite you nails, there are usually things you can get to rub under your nails...… (this link mentions a few ideas on deterrents...).

Or if the problem is really really bad, then you may need to seek help:… (this link has a few tips on how to get the help you need, since extreme nail biting can and often is classed as a symptom of OCD)...

This links I provided above are a part of a big article and nail biting and if you make you're way back to the beginning of the article, I believe there was even a link to see pictures of finger nails under a microscope...(I put the link to the beginning of the article below, check it out...)

Good luck!! Hope this helps!.... And think of the GERRRMMMSSS!!! :S…

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