Back pains while doing abdominal work out?!

Question: Back pains while doing abdominal work out!?
I've been on a strict diet lately, trying to lose 10 pounds before the summer!. [Height 62" weight 106lbs, BMI = 19!.4]
I'm trying to get abs , and i've found incredible abdominal work out routines to do on my yoga ball!.
But ever since i've done sit ups, exercises to get rid of my belly fat, my back aches so much!
Usually, people would stop because their abs ache, but in this case, my back does!?!?
Is this because of my lack of back muscles or am I not doing this correctly!? If so, what is the proper way to do a curl up!?
10 points for best answer!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Sit-ups, crunches and other toning exercises do not help remove belly fat!. Although they are excellent for toning those abs, the only way to burn fat is through cardio type exercises!. The fat must go first if you hope to show off those abs!. The article below may help!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com


your doing your workouts wrong!. Your straining your back!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

if you are focusing on your abs and are concentrating on forward flexion activities, you may be doing a couple of things!. You may focusing on the motion but not on the muscles doing the motion!. This may mean that you are not recruiting your abs but your hip/trunk flexors!. One of the major hip/trunk flexors attach to your back and can cause low back pain when they are too tight or over worked!.
You also may be hyperextending your back when you are going back down over the ball after you have done your curl up!. This action may be causing too much isolated motion at one point in your vertebral column, and so straining another set of muscles on the posterior part of the spine as opposed to the anterior part that your hip flexors attach to!.
As the previous answer said very succinctly, you are probably doing the exercise incorrectly!.
Why not check out YouTube and watch some of the videos on abdominal work!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

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