Best vitamins to take for men and women for...?!

Question: Best vitamins to take for men and women for!.!.!.!?
Weight loss/ Appetite Control
Skin & Hair

Just wondering, things besides multi vitamins or multi vitamins that do not make you feel like your going to throw up!. This question is for my husband and I!. All the feedback I can get will be great!Www@Answer-Health@Com

For energy -- Vitamin B

For weight loss/ Appetite Control---Protein Bar

Skin& Hair---Vitamin E

For Allergies---many people ask this question but no one ever gives a simple answer!. If a person were to eat a teaspoon on local honey each day for say a month, then your body would build up an immunity to whatever is causing your allergies!. Reason!. Local bees use local flowers, which causes your allergies!. Eating this local honey will let your body get used to elements that are causing your allergies!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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