What kinds of mouth problems can you have from biting your nails?!

Question: What kinds of mouth problems can you have from biting your nails!?
and how do you stop!

stress ain't that simple to get rid of!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Crooked teeth!.

Create another habit to replace it!. It will only take a couple of weeks to break and you will enjoy not being in pain, and being able to conquer it!.

Is there anything you like to do with your hands!? Kitting for instance!. When you can't do that, snap your fingers or play with your hair, chew gum, put your hands in your pockets, wear gloves!. Keep nail tools handy and start using them, or get your nails done with acrylics till you're out of the habit!. But the first step is to determine that you are going to stop biting them!. You can do it!
Since you alluded to doing it because of stress, you might try a good exercise routine and avoid caffeine altogether!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Well you didnt ask about nail problems so i wont go there!.!.!. However, in the mouth department you can run into bringing germs into your mouth!. You may accidently cut yourself and get an infection!. Your teeth will probabl be fine, but the typical persons hand is filthy, and under the nails where it is harder to clean!.!.!. is even worse!. The best way to stop is probably just forcing yourself to stop!. It is purely a habit, unless your eating the nails, then it may be something chemical taking place!.!.!. You may try to use, operant or classical conditioning to rid yourself of this habit!. There are numerous famous methods!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

its bad for your teeth and you have tons of bacteria living under your nails so i wouldnt recommend putting them in your mouth, you can get sick!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

DEFINATELY GET NAIL HARDENER! It makes your nails hard so that you can't bite them and the taste is horrible!. I am a nail biter lol but recently I've been obsessed with cutting my nails lmao!
hope i helped, best answer please =)Www@Answer-Health@Com

idk!.!. but i recently got braces!.!. and i stoped!.!. cuz it hurts to bite nails wit bracessWww@Answer-Health@Com

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