How soon can I expect results from PT for Sciatica/S.I. Joint pain?!

Question: How soon can I expect results from PT for Sciatica/S!.I!. Joint pain!?
I am 28 weeks pregnant and am having absolute horrid pain in my lower back/right hip!. It is almost crippling and I have a decent tolerance for pain!. I start PT on Monday for it!. Can anyone give me an idea of how soon I may see results from the therapy!?

Thank you!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

If you have a good PT, you should feel some immediate relief during or right after your treatment session, but it may not last, especially if you return to a position that aggrivates you (like sitting in the car to go home)!. With further treatments, you should have longer-lasting pain relief!.
A good PT should also tell you a couple things you can do at home to help manage your symptomsWww@Answer-Health@Com

the first couple of times you go for PT for this problem, you are going to be more sore than before you got there!. I have SI and Facet joint injuries and did therapy for about 6 weeks!. i got some relief but not enough to continue it for $75/week!. the first couple of visits are tough b/c you're stretching stuff that hasn't been stretched before!. so it's similar to pulling a muscle!. after the first couple visits are under your belt, you should be able to feel relief fairly soon!. but the relief is short lived unless you do your exercises at home as well as at the PT office!.

good luck!Www@Answer-Health@Com

My daughter use to have back pains when she was pregnant!. Come
to find out, the baby liked to lean against the back bone and some-
times sit on her pelvic bone!. When it was time for her to go into labor
she had to bend down like she was crawling!. She said that relieved most of the pain!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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