Do women have a higher pain threshold?!

Question: Do women have a higher pain threshold!?
It has been said that women have a higher pain threshold!. Mostly peoples responses are because of birth!. There has also been studies too but in my opinion, our brains our fuctioned to withstand different pain!.

Ex/ Women have babies, so their brains are functioned differently to withstand that pain more!.

On the other hand, when most women get hit or get hurt, they are way more dramatic than men and complain more in most cases!.

Do you think that women withstand more pain!? Or do you believe that both men and women are functioned to withstand different pain!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

Its mainly due to training!. there was a documentary on discovery about african tribes where they pierce their body with sticks and rings etc!. you have to train yourself to deal with it!. the more you complain and whine about pain the lower your pain threshold becomes!. the less you complain and whine about pain the higher your pain threshold becomes!. since men generally dont complain as much about pain it would stand to reason that they can deal with pain more effectively!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I don't know what you mean by "functioned" but I think its safe to say that a persons pain threshold has nothing to do with their gender!. Tolerance for pain is more closely linked to things like continence, etc!. I think, and probably varies greatly from one individual to the next!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Women do have a higher pain threshold for that reason, but women also have a lower tolerance to pain causing them to be more dramatic over pain!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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