Will boosting my immune system help to stop my cold getting worse?!

Question: Will boosting my immune system help to stop my cold getting worse!?
Yes!. The reason you are sick in the first place is because your immune system cannot keep up!. By strengthening it with vitamins and herbs you can be back at it in no time!. I would suggest Grapefruit seed extract (it is anti viral, anti fungal, anti-bacterial) Echinachea, Also lots of vitamin C (emergen C), a good muti vitamin and if available good anti-oxidants such as Co Q10, Alpha lipoic acid should be taken on a regular basis to keep you at your absolute best!. By taking these you can keep from needing anti-biotics and recover muuuch quicker!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Zinc will stop your cold from getting worse and get it over with faster!.
Go to the drugstore ASAP and buy Zicam products, use as directed, don't skip a dose!. From now on, as soon as you feel the first signs of a cold coming on, start to "zinc it" and you might be able to prevent it from happening!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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