I hurt my neck at swim practice, what should i do?!

Question: I hurt my neck at swim practice, what should i do!?
We were practicing starts kinda at at the end of practice before we did the cool down! on like the 4 one i dove in and i could tell it was a bad start cause my head went kinda weird when i entered!. I didn't hit the bottom though!. then when i started swimming i felt this sharp pain on the right side in the back of my neck kind of between my upper shoulder and my upper neck! what should i do!? i cant turn my head all the way to the right or down! up is ok and left is fine! what could this be!? and what should i do!? i tried a hot tub and then a hot shower! but no help! is it a muscle thing or could it have been my spine! i dont know what to do!?


Thanks! Www@Answer-Health@Com

maybe its a pulled muscle!.
buy some Bengay or icyhot!.
rub it on and take advil,or some
type of pain medicinWww@Answer-Health@Com

You should be evaluated by a doctor!. This could be a simple pulled muscle, but it could also indicate a more serious spinal issue!. (And anything having to do with the spine is nothing to mess around with!) Go see your family doctor and let him give you his opinion!.!.!.!.just to be safe!

Hope that you get over this soon!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Go to a chiropractor!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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