Fastest way to get rid of a canker sore! && yes ive already tried the salt thing!

Question: Fastest way to get rid of a canker sore! && yes ive already tried the salt thing; it got bigger =[!?
ive had it bout 3dayz now; i keep brushinq my teeth wayy more to keep the bacteria away from it alot more!. but nothing successful =\
i need the BEST* && FASTEST**** way 2qet of it quickesttt [i dnt care about the pain]

&& no smartass remarkzz either pplz; k thnxWww@Answer-Health@Com

Cut a lime in half and start rubbing!. It's going to sting like a mofo, but it works!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

They have canker sore medicines at the Pharmacy but they don't work for a long time!. Only time will heal it really!.


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