I quit cigarettes 10 days ago and I'm still mean and irritable when will it !

Question: I quit cigarettes 10 days ago and I'm still mean and irritable when will it go away!? !?
I hope I don't have to start smoking again to be nice!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

When you start feeling irritable,find something physical to do,it helps!.If in your case it doesn't, then you will just have to wait for the fangs to appear before you seek further help!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

You should try something called EFT do a search for it!. I have had people use it on me & I went off of pain pills & healed grief from this so it works well!. You are angry at something & the smoke screen is gone now so you can decide you are not go to do this to yourself anymore!. You can do this!.!.!.Do somethngs that can make you feel happy if you want a list you can e-mail me I asked someone elses question recently & I can direct you to that answer!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

umm its going to last a couple of days maybe months
and you are going to feel angry and maybe even gain weight
buttt it will go away
u just got to be patience and control that angre
and if it is really bad, then just talk to a doctorWww@Answer-Health@Com

Grumpy!.!.!. :-) If you are going cold turkey, why not try the patches or ask your doctor for some help with this!. Don't give up giving up!. You will eventually get more tolerant!. I smoke and don't want to give up just yet!. Good for you!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

Were you a light smoker or heavy one!? Depends!. Heavy smoker takes longer to get rid of the withdrawal symptons!. Anyway, welcome to our world of the nonsmokers like me! I quit smoking more than twenty years ago and never gone back again!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Just wait it out!. The key really is patience!. Keep in mind all the permanent good that is happening to your body instead of the temporary bad!. It's all worth it in the end!. You can do it!!!!!!!Www@Answer-Health@Com

give it a week or two!. Don't due the nicotine patch or gum because it will only prolong your problem!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

never smoking ruinned your life sorry buddy but ur like that for the restof ur lifeWww@Answer-Health@Com

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