Ive been throwing up since 2 am its now 9 am help me!

Question: Ive been throwing up since 2 am its now 9 am help me
help me im crying and feel so bad all ive been drinking is water and pepto bismol and 15 minutes after i drink some i puke please what can i do!. any doctors!?!? is there a bug going around maybe!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

Yes there is, and I am just now getting over it!. It starting with the vomiting, then went to diarrehea for three days!. Drink only clear fluids and eat only applesauce!. Stay in bed, you got the nasty bug going around!.

This is the second time within a month that I got it!. You'll be miserable today, rotten tomorrow and a tad crappy the next day!. I am on the "next day" and I still feel week!.

I bought some anti-diarrehea pills and took two, twice a day!. It helped!. Also, when I ate anything cold, I got really bad stomache cramps!.

Hope I helped, now get into bed!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

You probably have a stomach bug!. I would knock off large intake of anything right now, perhaps a tablespoon of water ever ten or fifteen minutes or so!. Hopefully, there is somebody in the house who can run out and get you some gatorade and a clear soda, like sprite!. When I get the stomach flu, I take a mixture of 1/2 sprite, 1/2 regular gatorade when I start to feel better!. It helps replace electrolytes, mineral salts and fluids that you've lost!. If you don't start to feel better by this afternoon, call your doctor!. I hope you feel better soon, the stomach flu is miserable!Www@Answer-Health@Com

I'm not a doctor, but back off of the water a bit!. If your forcing it in and your sick, you'll just throw it back up!. You may have a bug and may be sick!. Give your self at least an hour or two before drinking any thing!. And when you do, just drink a little, like a sip or two!. IF your throwing up continues, consult a doctor or make an appointment!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

food poisoning maybe!? what did you eat last night!? if you ate and you started to throw up fairly violently 6 hours after you ate its probablly food poisoning!. I would highly recommend cola syrup if anyone can run out to the pharmacy for you tell them to pick it up! Also don't drink water drink soda!.!.!.regular soda not diet!. The sugar in the soda will settle your stomachWww@Answer-Health@Com

you are gonna get dehydrated--you definitely need to go into the clinic or hospital--you could have a stomach virus--but don't wait any longer---that's too long of a time to have been throwing up!.!.!.
Hope you feel better soon~Www@Answer-Health@Com

You may have food poisoning!. You body may be trying to clear out the toxin!. Keep drinking water even if you can't keep it down!. If you don't, throwing up enough can kill you from rapid dehydration!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Have someone run out and get you some vanilla Ensure, cut it fifty percent with water and try to keep a few ounces at a time down!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

your probably just havin a 24 hour bug but still just go to your family doctor or just go to the clinic like care now or somethingWww@Answer-Health@Com

go to the doctors!Www@Answer-Health@Com

you must have seen something very2 ugly!.!.!.try not to remember it!.!.!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com


drink 7upWww@Answer-Health@Com

ur fine dont eat or ull barf but if u do stick it bread n tea!.!.lay down n go to bed!.!.feel betterWww@Answer-Health@Com

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