What was your last bad injury and what was it ?!

Question: What was your last bad injury and what was it !?
I have an injury now !.
I was skating , i tried to ollie three decks , fell on my foot , all my weight on my foot , i think i spraiend it !.
But i did it yesterday !.
It hurts !.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I snapped my collarbone in half and then the bone halves (I guess that is wat u would call it) overlapped each other!. So the doctor had to give me 2 numbing shots and then move the bones back in place!. Then about 2 days later, I had 2 have surgery 2 place screws and plates on the collarbone!.
I broke my collarbone by falling directly on it!. I was playing soccer, and I got tripped!. I didn't want 2 land on my face becuase I had stitches in my mouth (but I was able 2 play sports) and so I tried 2 land on my side, but I didn't roll over in time!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

august 10 2007 I fell at work and cracked my jaw!. Extremely bad bruising and I couldnt talk or eat for a few weeks!.
Feb 21st I fell at school and fractured my wrist!.!.!.
but my absolute worst,
Friday October 13th 2006 I kicked a soccer ball which fractured my foot and gave me a painful disease that I will be dealing with for the rest of my life!. (RSDS)Www@Answer-Health@Com

my WORST bad injury was when i was 4 (lol) i was ridingmy bike and i fell and my nail got hammered by the haddles and when i took it out my nail was half off and was bleeding to death!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

When I was 3 years old a neighbors dog jumped our fence and bit me in the face because I was running around in my own yard!. This was back in 1975, so i had to have all of those Rabi shots in my stomach!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

last year in june i let my scooter fall over but didn't let go!.!.!.thought it was a simple muscle strain!.!.!.!.ended up having rotator cuff surgery!.!.!.my scooter went from 1200!. to 16000!.00in cost!.!.not to mention the pain of going through thisWww@Answer-Health@Com

In The basketball team!. In 8th grade!. I had a ankle injury!. It wasn't that bad, but in a week or so (I don't remember), It got better!Www@Answer-Health@Com

i broke my wrist skateboarding then i got a cast and i hate them so i sawed it off and my wrist still hasn't worked right since thenWww@Answer-Health@Com

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