When the doctor asks me, "How are your stools," how do I answer her?!

Question: When the doctor asks me, "How are your stools," how do I answer her!?
You physician will be looking for answers like, normal, loose, constipated!. They may ask you about the color, brown, black (a sign of blood from the upper intestines or stomach), red, or bright red (a sign of a lower intestinal problem!.

This is a diagnostic tool for your digestive system, so answer honestly!. The more information you can give your doctor about how your body is functioning, the easier it is for your doctor to help you stay healthy!.

Good luck,


I gather that you don't know what stools are - right!?
Stools are simply another word for pooh or whatever you call it at your place!. So if the doctor is asking this she wants to know do you have any problems, like constipation or diarrhoea or anything that is not normal for you So if all is well with you in that department you simply say fine, if not tell her so that she can help you to sort it out!. Simple as that and that is why we have doctors to help us keep well!.Www@Answer-Health@Com



Stool means poop
So you could say diahrea (sp!?) or loose
Or however they areWww@Answer-Health@Com

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