Chapped lips.. pleas HELP?!

Question: Chapped lips!.!. pleas HELP!?
My lips are ALWAYS chapped!. I use everything! Blistex, Carmex, Chapstick, Vaseline, EVERYTHING!! But for some reason i always rub it off somehow or it just dries up and does nothing!. What do u recomend i should use or do!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

Chapped lips are an indication of dehydration!. You need to drink PLENTY of water!.!.!.and quit licking your lips, that only dries them out further!. Do not use petroleum-based products like Vaseline!.!.!.it dries tissues out!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Happy to answer this for you! First of all, you should buy a super-hydrating lipstick (you can get a natural color that you can wear at any time of the day and any place) from a cosmetics shop or a pharmacy!. The lipstick should have a thick consistency because they last longer, unlike glosses for example!.

Secondly, here's a trick that is just amazing: use a bit of moisturizing cream on your lips and rub it over your lips!. Then use face powder on your lips until they are well covered!. Apply the lipstick over it, then press your lips against a piece of toilet paper (toilet paper is more absorbant than normal tissues) as if you kissed someone, until the lipstick doesn't stick on the paper anymore!.

The lipstick will not only stay on for longer, but it will give you enough hydration for at least 6-7 hours!. Even if you eat or drink it will stay on!. This is also a trick that stars use to keep their lipstick on for longer and look ravishing for many hours without having to refresh their make-up every 30 minutes!Www@Answer-Health@Com

give yourself a lip exfoliation daily!. what i do is moisten my lips with water and then rub them with a roughish terry towel!.

every night before you go to sleep massage vaseline on your lips for about a minute!.

also a very good all natural chapstic can do you good!. the chemicals in some of the chapstics u mentioned might be causing your lips to dry up!. burts bees (the one with honey) is great for moisterizing, or any ALL natural chapstic!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Burt's Bees has the best!. Do NOT use Carmex!! It contains a form of acid related to aspirin that will relieve pain, but it actually dries your lips and causes something of an addiction because when it dries your lips out, you use more!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

try Neosporin Lip Treatment!. it heals fast and reliefs pain!. then purchase Vitamin E Oil from walmart or walgreens (walmart is cheaper) i use this on my face, cuitcals and lips!.!.!.feels great and is essential for our skin :)Www@Answer-Health@Com

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