Im having trouble getting to sleep and constantly waking up.?!

Question: Im having trouble getting to sleep and constantly waking up!.!?
For about a month now i have not been having good sleep!. I used to be able to get to sleep fast but wake up like 3 times a night but i got atleast 8 hours of sleep!. Now i cant get to sleep and when i do i wake up five to six times a night and only get about four or so hours of sleep!. Im so tired during the day and even when i try to nap i can barly get 30 min!. To top it all off because of lack of sleep i have been really snappy towards people and my temper is short!. Can someone plz help im dying for a good nights sleep!!!!!!!!Www@Answer-Health@Com

try the floor or sleeping with the TV on sometimes u can flip your mattress just try something new and its bound to work maybe you need Ur window open or need a different position like try to sleep with your pillow to the side of the bed or try sleeping with your feet to front and your head where your feet r supposed to be or even talk to your Doctor about a sleeping pill and it could even be what types of clothes you sleep in

GOOD LUCK!!!!Www@Answer-Health@Com

I've gone through a similar condition, few years ago!. I would wake up gasping for air (it is a feeling like you are asphyxiating for not breathing) I had a Sleep Study at a Sleep Lab!. and was diagnosed with Sleep Apnea, I have to use an air pump ventilator called BiPAP (Bi-level Positive Air Pressure) to avoid blockage of my throat (during sleep your throat muscle relax and could block the air passage) It is a very serious condition!. Life threatening!. Also, one symptom of depression is sleep problem, like the one you describe!. Seems to me that it is paramount that you see a good family doctor!. In the meantime, go to sleep when you feel sleepy, don't watch TV in bed, keep your bedroom very dark, a glass of warm milk may help!. Do not take sleeping pills unless directed by your doctor (you'll be masking the problem, not solving it)Www@Answer-Health@Com

Maybe you stop breathing several times a night!? That's called sleep apnea!. If your doctor gives you a prescription for a sleep study, you can spend a night at a hospital hooked up to measuring devices, wired to see what goes on while you sleep!. That's the best way to find out of you have apnea!. Or, if you have a sleeping partner, ask whether you snore or breathe heavily while sleeping!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

A woman at work once complained to me, about the problem you are having, she was also having with sleep!. By coincidence I had a tea bag of Chamomile tea, I told her to take a little before retiring and she came back and said that she slept like a baby and has since taken it and her problem is solved!. I also recommend a good brisk 30-45 minute walk in the early evening!. This tires you out and helps you fall fast asleep!. I hope this helps !Www@Answer-Health@Com

Are you getting much physical activity during the day!? If you don't try an exercise program, that will help you sleep!. Sometimes I'll take a PM pain reliever an hour before I go to sleep, that helps me!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

if you smoke try not to smoke and also at nigth dont eat anything that has sugar like chocolates o candies also eat cereal eat fruit maybe that will help you good luckWww@Answer-Health@Com

Ive had the same problem!. What I did was I put on my Ipod/radio and listened until i fell asleep!.

Good luck to ya mate!!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Try a pill it works so great its called "Viagra"

Heres the website for it http://www!.wowomg!.com/new/Www@Answer-Health@Com

then go see a doctor or take a sleep pillWww@Answer-Health@Com



Ever try Tylenol PM or Unisom caplets (over the counter) or even something like Benadryl (antihistimines make people sleep sometimes)!. If it keeps up, you should see a doctor!. Maybe he can put you on a short term Rx sleeping aid just to break this cycle and maybe you'll return to normal sleep then!. If you keep not getting enough sleep, it not only makes your temper short, it can actually affect your heart and other things, making you sick or more prone to certain serious conditions!. Don't take it lightly!. Try one of the over the counter sleep aids but even with that, you shouldn't take them constantly, every night, for a long period of time!. Everything can cause some form of dependancy!. You may not be sleeping because of some sort of physical ailment!. You should get a good check up and blood work done!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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