Really bad SUNBURN! help?!

Question: Really bad SUNBURN! help!?
it hurts and i need your best advice to get the sting out and get it to heal faster!.
please and thankyou!.
your friend

I know that you've probably heard the aloe vera thing A LOT!.!.!.believe me!.!.!.but it really does help if you keep reapplying it!. If you store it in the fridge, it can give you more of a relief when you first put it on!.

Ice packs (in small amounts of time) and cold cloths or compresses will also help to minimize the length of time that you have redness and should help with the swelling!.

Make sure that you drink PLENTY of water, in order to keep your body hydrated so you don't develop a fever!. If you do develop a fever, take an acetaminophen or an ibuprofen to help get rid of the fever and to minimize inflammation and swelling!.

If your sunburn is really bad and seems to be very painful, you may want to go see your doctor and get a prescriptive treatment!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

My boyfriend and I got really burnt in hawaii and we used white vinegar on the worst of our burns!. It stings really bad to put on and it stinks but it took the pain away for a little while!. Ive also heard that straight vitamin D in a cream works, but have never tried thatWww@Answer-Health@Com

My mother was burnt so badley last year that she was litterally purple!. She went to the drug store and they sprayed her on the spot with spa water!. They also gave her first aid cream!. Told her to stay out of the sun and heat for a week!. Good Luck to you!. I know how bad sunburns can be!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Well I was gonna say Aloe Vera, until I read the 'no aloe' thing lol!. Take a cold shower!?
It's the only other thing I could think of!.
And make sure you keep putting lotion on where your burned or else you're gonna peel a lot!.
As for the pain- take some tylenol or something!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Vinegar on a paper towle!.
Rub in a circular motion!.
That should work!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Mixture of aloe vera and lidocaine!. Available under several brand names!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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