High Blood Pressure Question?!

Question: High Blood Pressure Question!?
I see this question has been asked many times, but I don't get the answers I need from the other user's questions!.

My husband suffers from high blood pressure and high cholestrol!. He refuses to go to the doctor, so now I've decided to make things at home more healthy to help him!.
Only problem is I don't know how!. What is bad food, good food, what lifestyle changes are needed!?
He is a smoker and refuses to quit, so it's no use telling me he has to stop!. We don't drink any alcohol at all, though!.
Any tips and hints for me!?
Thank you!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Hypertension is known as the silent killer, and leaving it untreated for years can result in a heart attack or stroke!. As we age, the elasticity of the arteries starts to decline, and instead of the arteries being pliable with every beat, it becomes like blood traveling through a lead pipe!. A diet high in fat and cholesterol can begin to narrow the arteries even more, causing a blood clot to form inside and eventually occlude the blood there, or worse, break off and get lodged in the arteries of the brain or heart!. Here are a few tips to get your husband's pressure down!.

1!. Try to limit the amount of red meat!. If you do eat red meat, buy lean cuts of beef and trim the fat away!. The George Forman Grill really helps get some of the fat out of meat as well, but the meat becomes dry!. If he can deal with a little dry meat from time to time, your on a good path!. Chicken and fish are best for protein, just throw the chicken skin away!.

2!. You state there is no alcohol consumption, which is good and bad!. Red wine (the darker the better) has resverotol and other flavenoids in it that had been shown to lower cholesterol (modestly) and also thins the blood (prevents over-clotting) to help pass through occluded arteries better!. The current medical literature states only two small glasses of table wine for men and one small glass for women per day!. This gives a whole new meaning to toasting "to your health!"

3!. Eliminate table salt, completely!. Our food contains so much sodium that we nearly double the reccomended daily allowance before even adding the salt!. Leave the salt shaker on the table, or better yet, throw the damn thing away!.

4!. Fish Oil!. Omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to reduce cholesterol and also are vital for brain function!. It alo reduces inflammation arounf the entire body, thus having a lesser chance of developing a blood clot from inflamed, occluded arteries!. Make sure the bottle says "Pharmaceutical grade" or "distilled" to minimize mercury!.

5!. Metamucil!. Yes, it's not just to go to the bathroom! Fiber has been shown to cause a rather nice decrease in cholesterol!. Tell you husband to drink one glass of metamucil before breakfast and one before luch!. This will assist him in, not only going to the bathroom, but fiber binds bile salts, which basically get reabsorbed in the GI!. The more ybile salts you excrete, the better off you are!. This can also fill him up by drinking the glass before a meal so he is prone to eat less!.

6!. Exercise!. Even if it's a moderate brisk walk through the park, moving around can help lower cholesterol and reduce blood pressure!. Make it a family event 3 times a week, or even tell him to park at the farthest parking spot and walk!. A little bit here and there adds up to volumes later!.

7!. Try to reduce stress!. It's hard, I know, but stress is the number one killer of Americans and most westerners!. The French and Italians eat fatty foods, drink alcohol, and most of them still smoke, yet they have the lowest rates of heart disease!. Some say it's the olive oil, some say the red wine, but I say it's minimal stress!. They get a month of vacation and only work about 5 or 6 hours a day!.

I hope this helps and remember, every little thing counts!. It's time to get healthy and enjoy the benefits!


Dr!. HugoWww@Answer-Health@Com

High blood pressure can lead to a stroke or heart attack!. He really needs to go and see his doctor!.
To help reduce high blood pressure you need to cut the salt intake, stop smoking, lose weight, and take exercise!. Drinking alcohol should be reduced, but that's not relevant here!.
A healthy diet plays a part, eat more oily fish like mackerel and salmon, plenty of vegetables, and reduce meat based meals!. Porridge for breakfast provides fibre and also helps reduce cholestrol!.
People under a lot of stress could invest a few pounds in relaxation tapes!.
A stroke can leave you disabled, making your life and the lives of the people around you a living hell!. A heart attack can leave the people around you bereaved!. Get him to go to the doctors!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Tell him to go to the Doctor, make an appmnt!. for him if you have too!. He should not sacrafice his health like this!. High blood pressure and high cholestorol should both be treated and monitered by an M!.D!. Especialy if he smokes, he should try quiting to start improving his health!.
Try talking to him, let him know it's important to you that he takes care of his health!. Good luck!Www@Answer-Health@Com

The easiest change to most diets is to make ALL your own food!. NO processed foood AT ALL!. No Take-aways etc!.!.!.

That way you control what goes in it!. No salt, little sugar, olive oil for cooking (if you need oil AT ALL)!. Use Skimmed milk (only takes a week or two to get used to) Cholestorol helping spreads etc!. Salad instead of chip or other fatty foods!.!.!.


sure do!. try this link!.


Low salt low fat food will help, BUT he needs to go to the doc to avoid the possibilty of a stroke or worseWww@Answer-Health@Com

Low fat & Salt but excercise is very important!. How do you know his presure is high if he wont go to the dr!? How high is it!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

Does he take blood pressure medication!? Because that is the first and foremost thing he should be doing to control it!. Otherwise, no amount of good food, exercise, etc is going to be of much help!. Once a person develops hypertension (high blood pressure) then it must be treated with medication!. Otherwise its just a time bomb waiting to go off! Very dangerous and very risky to not be treating it!. I would ask his doctor for info on diet, exericse, etc!. Lifestyle changes that he needs are, #1, medication, exercise, lots of vegetables and fruits in their natural state if possible, no fried foods, and very little meat other than fish or chicken!. Fried foods are a real no-no with high blood pressure and cholesterol!. If he is overweight, he needs to work on losing weight!. That is one of the biggest factors in getting bp problems under control along with medication!. However, his doctor would be the only one to tell him how much exericse, food, medication, etc he need to be taking or getting!. Whether he likes it or not!.!.he needs to seek medical advice for such risky medical conditions!. His refusal to see his doctor is only laziness and denial!. He needs to see his doctor regularly and do what he is told to do if he expects to live with these two highly risky medical conditions!. Good luck!Www@Answer-Health@Com

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