Found drugs in my brothers room. Not sure what they are but going to smoke them !

Question: Found drugs in my brothers room!. Not sure what they are but going to smoke them anyway!.!?
I found a sealable bag with small green leaves in it!. Could it be anything worse than Cannabis or Maraijana!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

It could not be anything worse!. My guess is that if it isn't marijuana its Salvia Divinorum which in my opinion is not fun to smoke!. Salvia is legal too!. otherwise it's either marijuana or some herbs like basil that he got ripped off with!. I'd smell it first!. if it smells kinda skunky its probably weed!. if it smells like cooking herbs don't smoke it!. google Salvia Divinorum, if you think it could be that!. Always be careful what you smoke!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

your a loserWww@Answer-Health@Com

I don't think you should smoke marijuana if you are not able to correctly spell marijuana!.

You've got a real problem if you're willing to fire up anything you come across in an effort to get high!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

How Dangerous Is Marijuana!?

FOR years, many people have regarded smoking marijuana as a

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