Quit smoking struggling with staying that way..?!

Question: Quit smoking struggling with staying that way!.!.!?
I quit last June and have smoked on mabye 3 occasions!.!.!.!.but lately I'm finding it much harder to stay quit!.!.!. any tips are welcomed!.!.!.

If you have never smoked don't bother leaving me an answer an less you have some type of insight!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

i quit on Jan!. 3rd of this year after smoking a pack & half a day for 20 years its so tough
the first thing id say is dont ever smoke that 3 or 4 times is just reconfirming to yourself that you need or want cigs

keep yourself very busy idle time is terrible aviod it go do something

cinnomon candies i swear by them its such a strong flavor works way better than mints or fruity candy

i actually dont mind hanging with smokers it smells nasty (to me at least) kinda reminds you why you quit in the first place

you however are probably going through some tough times ussaully when you crave the most stress sucks and in these times it is when we define ourselves so be strong and make your decision waste a year of your life denying yourself a true pleasure or stay off those stinky killing stix your choice make the right oneWww@Answer-Health@Com

sex!. try thatWww@Answer-Health@Com

hynosis is what finally worked for me!. i had dreams of smoking in my sleep for about five years!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

i quit last April 4th!. i never took a puff because i knew if i did it would be over!. i tried several times to quit, but this time i really wanted to quit and i made it!. i haven't smoked any cigs for over a year, but i had weed to help me also!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I've been smoke-free for almost 2 yrs and I find it hard not to go back!. Especially when I'm around people who do but I tell myself everyday that I am increasing my chances to live everyday that I don't smoke!. When you get the urge try chewing gum and occupy your hands!. It's been this long, why mess up a good record!. Good luck!. :)Www@Answer-Health@Com

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