I need a generic and inexpensive extended release painkiller. Suggestions?!

Question: I need a generic and inexpensive extended release painkiller!. Suggestions!?
It is for bulging and possibly now herniated disk at l5 s1 and l4 l5!.

Thanks for any help!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

There are not a lot of options for extended release "painkillers"!. OxyContin and Opana are two commonly used extended release options that I do not believe are available in generic form!.

There are 3 other choices in extended release formulations, all of which are available in generic form-

FENTANYL transdermal patches (brand name- Duragesic) are patches worn for 72 hours that deliver a set amount of the potent narcotic fentanyl steadily into your blood stream!.

MORPHINE ER (brand name- many including Avinza and MS Contin) are 12 hour formulations of morphine sulfate and generally regarded as the gold standard of suspended release painkillers!.

METHADONE (brand name- Dolophin) is a well known 8-12 hour pain medicine that is more commonly used in maintenance therapy in treating heroin addicts!. It is effective like the aforementioned painkillers and may even be more effective for nerve pain because of the duel effects from the narcotic properties as well as the NMDA antagonism!.

If you have constant pain then these are really the route to take!. I have chronic pain and I have found that I prefer to use shorter acting painkillers in managing my pain!. Different regimens work for different people and with a caring doctor you will be able to find what works for you!. I wish you all the luck in getting your pain managed!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Try the source listed below!. The companies help with prescription costs!. Some are free, others are low cost!.

Hope this helps!Www@Answer-Health@Com

You're doctor can help you better than anyone here!. I take generic hydrocodone, oxycodone and Soma and they are not terriably expensive!. Here's a link that may help you

Or here is a link to a place that if you qualify they will supply your meds

Cam, I have 3 herniated disks from an accident in the military!. Muscle relaxers and anti-inflammitories are the only thing that really helps ease the pain!. Adding Magnesium to yuor diet, stretching and strengthening your stomach muscles, and getting the inflammation down is what going to solve the problem!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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