I think my pinkie toe is broken....?!

Question: Is there anything I can do for a broken toe? It happened last night. I stubbed it on a chair leg. I don't wanna go to the ER and there isn't any doctor opened today. It is bruised (purple, black) and it looks a little crooked.

Answers: Is there anything I can do for a broken toe? It happened last night. I stubbed it on a chair leg. I don't wanna go to the ER and there isn't any doctor opened today. It is bruised (purple, black) and it looks a little crooked.

buddy tape it and take Ibuprofen 800 mg twice a day for the swelling

all they will do is put cotton between your two toes and tape them together.

You just have to grin and bear it. It probably isn't broken, just bruised.

its your pinky toe, you are going to spend like $500 just to see if your pinky toe if broken

Nothing you can do

I break my toes all the time- havent had perfect set of toes since Thanksgiving

dont waste your money on a doctor

ice it and buddy tape it if you really want too

youlll have a cool bruise

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