Will they go away?!

Question: I had surgery done on my wrist December 26th and i still have the scars...will the eventually go away?

Answers: I had surgery done on my wrist December 26th and i still have the scars...will the eventually go away?

omfg!! my birthday is december 26th!! haha thats weird!! Its my dads bday too! weeeird. your scares wont go away completely but they will decrease is visibility.

Not really, they'll fade away but will never completely disappear.

no ,use mdema

they have creams that lessen their noticability.


Was it from a carpal tunnel, if so, yes they fade with time,

I have a a slight scar now, but 3 yrs ago, it was awful looking, is will fade s time goes by...

try vitamin E cream to smooth out the scars, but they are probably yours to keep. it makes for interesting cocktail conversation.

are you using any kind of scar minimizing treatment? those can help a lot, but the sooner you start them, the better.

It depends, really. I had apendicitis when I was 13 and now Im 17, and my scar is still red, and is still a bump. but I like it, its a memory, really.

Not all the way but they will fade with time and if you want to use cream for scars i recommend Mederma! Good luck

They're going to get infected and result in you having to get your hands amputated.

Now you have something important to worry about.

Probably not, but it's good to have memories. lol.
There's a cream that you can put on scars to make them fade.

it will take time and you will still be able to see them to some extent

u should get some maderma...its for scaring i will never go away but it will go soft and fade it wont be rough like other scars..hope i helped a little

Use Mederma it is found at your local pharmacy.It costs about $30. It reduces scars and can most likely leave no scar

well like the answer before it will never completely go away...BUT you can always use vitamin E to smooth it out and make it less noticeable i got a scar and used it and it made it better

get mardirma or a nother kind of scar treatment i have a scar on my knee it happpened when i was 4? so defently try a scar treatment before it gets to much longer

u can use that other stuff from that HEADON company. it gets rid of scars fast!!!

They wont completely go away, but they will fade. Vitamin E cream/oil really helps. Don't worry about it, scars are sexy!

i think it depends on your body, someone can get rid of the scar, but someone cannot, like me. i also had a surgery on 2006, but i still have the scar. but u can try 'Scar Esthetique'. i heart my friend say this product is so good for scar.
but i haven't used it, bec it is so expensive!!!

It will take some time,better apply regularly some dermal ointments / Creme.

Not really, they'll fade away but will never completely disappear.

no because they are scars
scars for life:)

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