Fingertip swollen red and pain helpppppp?!

Question: Well the other day i got a cut on the side of my nail...Not the nail but a little piece of skin next to the nail and then later in the day it got swollen and red and its very sensitive to the touch and it hurts alot. When i type or am walking where my hands are flat and down it hurts and feels pressure like all the blood or something is going to the fingertip and it hurts...the fingertip only feels better when its elevated (held up) and when i touch it or press on it and then let go it has a throbbing pain...Also there is NOO pus so its not like a nasty cut or was just a small little cut in the skin. I dont know what to it an infection?? is there an over the counter remedy for this?? or a simple way to heal this..?? and just because i dont see any pus could that mean theres pus inside the fingertip??

Answers: Well the other day i got a cut on the side of my nail...Not the nail but a little piece of skin next to the nail and then later in the day it got swollen and red and its very sensitive to the touch and it hurts alot. When i type or am walking where my hands are flat and down it hurts and feels pressure like all the blood or something is going to the fingertip and it hurts...the fingertip only feels better when its elevated (held up) and when i touch it or press on it and then let go it has a throbbing pain...Also there is NOO pus so its not like a nasty cut or was just a small little cut in the skin. I dont know what to it an infection?? is there an over the counter remedy for this?? or a simple way to heal this..?? and just because i dont see any pus could that mean theres pus inside the fingertip??

I would suggest that you wash your hands frequently. Use a soak of warm water and hydrogen peroxide to soak the finger. Even the smallest cut is a huge entry place for any number of nasty germs we come in contact with on a daily basis. After soaking, cover your finger with a band aid and antibiotic ointment. Don't let the band aid get wet or moist from frequent hand washing. A box of band-aids is definitely a lot cheaper than having to go thru a finger amputation. (Just kidding), There probably is pus (infection) in the finger and the warm soak will help to get it out. Have you ever had something that hurt so bad to touch, but you just couldn't keep from touching it regardless of the pain because you knew that once you pulled it, (a tooth for example) it would feel a whole lot better. What you might want to do after soaking, take your finger at the First knuckle and squeeze it toward the tip of the finger. It's going to hurt, but if there is any puss in there it will start to come out. but it will feel better. keep soaking it a few times during the day and in a day or two you will notice improvement. If it doesn't get any better you might need the assistance of a physicial to get a prescription for antibiotics. Good luck

Put it in your nose for 8 hours a day.If that doesn't work then I am out of answers.

soak it in a`ice block,,,keep it elevated,,,,,,,,,put anti sptic cream on it ,,,,,,,,

It sounds like it is infected. I would go and see your doctor. Did you clean it with soap and water? Try putting some antibiotic cream, like neosporin, on it with a bandage if you have one.

It doesn't have to have pus to be infected. See your doctor. Even a small cut can have a lot of bacteria in it.

I will say a prayer for you.

You should see a doctor. It sounds infected inside. It doesn't have to have pus to be infected. Red, hot and swollen is enough. You never mentioned how you cut it. A rusty nail, staple, etc. can cause a problem and needs immediate attention. You may need to take antibiotics and/or a tetanus shot. Even a cat bite or scratch can also cause serious infections. Infections like this can cause blood poisoning and other problems. Go see your doc. I hope it heals up fast for you.

Its just a small cut ,anyway apply betadine...and you can take in Mefenamic tablet for pain relievers...Relax...

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