How can i stop scratching myself?!

Question: i do it in my sleep. i keep my fingernails short but every so often i wake up and i've scratched my face. i'm worried that i'll hurt my eyes one day.

Answers: i do it in my sleep. i keep my fingernails short but every so often i wake up and i've scratched my face. i'm worried that i'll hurt my eyes one day.

You may need to see a dermatologist at some point. But to start try getting some moisturizer like Cetaphil cream or eucerin on your skin immediately after bathing apply throughout the day as needed. Taking to hot of a shower can also instigate dry itchy skin. Use a mild soap to bath. Use unscented laundry detergent and avoid using dryer sheets even unscented in your laundry. Since you notice scratching at night don't use them on your bedding. On the most itchy spots apply some cortisone cream and you can take benadryl too. Keep your nails short like you are doing and invest in some of the one size fits all gloves if you notice this to keep happening. The more you scratch the more bacteria from your nails is getting into the derma layer of you skin. If you don't manage it now it can become red raised patches.

chop your hands off.

Wear gloves!

It might be a medical problem. But try to buff your nails so that they aren't sharp, just in case. As soon as you have the time, go see a doctor. It might be a subconscios thing you do.

tie your hands up before bed or wear mittens

Buy cotton gloves, usually available from a pharmacy, that should stop any damage and they are lightweight so shouldn't be too hot too wear.

wear gloves to bed and this should help

there must be mosquitos in ur room

wear a hannibal lectre mask to bed

tie yourself up

take Benydril b4 going to bed. it will help u sleep and stop the itching


I faced the same problem...I use cream now and it's much better..
Bethanovate is the name... it really helps...
Wearing gloves didn't help may help you...

it's sound quite serious. i advice u to consult a doctor immediately.. it also can be a habits or whatever.. ur fingernails cause germs as if u scratch too deep into ur skin it will pass the germs to yr other body system..
So do see a doctor now and do take care.
may god bless u forever!

Make sure you keep them short and filed. Maybe try putting
gloves on while you sleep. Then you are less likely to scratch
yourself. Wear something over your eyes if you are worried
about poking an eye or something.

you have to wear rubber hand gloves before sleeping. even if you scratch, you will not get wounded. you can take daily baths in sea water, in a way, it will lessen the itchiness that you feel on your skin. dry skin can lead to itching. vaseline petrolatum jelly is adviseable.

call your local beauty supply store.
Ask for a head hood. I have 3 its a light weight soft netting, goes over the entire head, has a zipper. Its made for another purpose, but will work I use mine to just cover my hair only, for food service.

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