Twisted/Sprained Ankle????!

Question: Help!!!!! I twisted or sprained my ankle, I'm not exactly sure which. There is no swelling, hurts to touch, hurts to walk........and I want to know whats wrong.
If you want to know how I got hurt, I fell on last step of stairs.........exactly how lame is that......

Answers: Help!!!!! I twisted or sprained my ankle, I'm not exactly sure which. There is no swelling, hurts to touch, hurts to walk........and I want to know whats wrong.
If you want to know how I got hurt, I fell on last step of stairs.........exactly how lame is that......

It's really the same thing, twisted/sprained. Either way it stretches the tendons and ligaments in the ankle. Now, depending on how severe the sprain is, is the question should anything be done about it. If it starts turning colors and you can't put any weight on it, then I would definately see someone ASAP.

Put ice on it, and rest for a while.

Ice it and elevate it ALOT, if it doesn't start feeling better after 2-3 days make an appointment with an Orthopedist. Watch for discoloration or bruising in the area of pain and other areas as this could be a sign of a slight fracture or ligament tear.

I'm no doctor but I sprained and fractured my ankle in October and this is what I learned.

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