My Left Nipple is red and hurts alot, any suggestions?!

Question: it could be a blocked duct. try applying a bag of frozen peas to the site. I still say try the frozen veggies and leave it alone. stop playing with it for awile

Answers: it could be a blocked duct. try applying a bag of frozen peas to the site. I still say try the frozen veggies and leave it alone. stop playing with it for awile

Go to the doctor as soon as possible. It could be serious.

quit pullin on it

Is there any clothing that might cause this irritation?
Sometime synthetic clothing can cause rashes which can feel really sore and red!

Try to avoid washing yourself with purfumed soaps/shower gels or things with alchohol! These usually cause allergies to sensitive areas of the body! Try Simple products!

If it develops then see your doctor!

Since you already know that people were going to ask if you were breastfeeding you know that this is NOT normal.It could be serious,do you not have insurance? I would not mess around with it for too long cuz of the things that you know could be wrong. Have you checked for any ingrown hairs,pimple type areas around the areola or even used a bath scrubby too hard in the area? Is there any type of discharge? Does it radiate outward into a larger area or is it localized? Try OTC pain reliever like ASA or tylenol as long as you are not allergic to either one.Hope you feel better cuz after breastfeeding i know how much that f&&%%(* hurts.

go to the doctor

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