Accidentally drank mercury from a thermometer.should i be worried?!

Question: any first aid i should perform?

Answers: any first aid i should perform?

go to the hospital, its really poisonous
May cause burning of the mouth and pharynx, abdominal pain, vomiting, corrosive ulceration, bloody diarrhea. May be followed by a rapid and weak pulse, shallow breathing, paleness, exhaustion, tremors and collapse. Delayed death may occur from renal failure. Gastrointenstinal uptake of mercury is less than 5% but its ability to penetrate tissues presents some hazard. Initial symptoms may be thirst, possible abdominal discomfort.

Induce vomiting immediately as directed by medical personnel. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Get medical attention immediately.

Go directly to hospital! They will need to pump your stomach. Please go now!

Go straight to the hospital.

No, now you too will be able to tell the temperature.

Yes. Worry. Mercury is very poisonous and you should go to the hospital right now.

Yes Hospital now

I don't think they put mercury in modern thermometers. So theres a possibilty you didn't swallow mercury. but to be on the safe side go to the hospital.

ummm... 'aciidentaly DRANK mercury from a thermometer'? how? i would recommend goin to the hospital.

yea call 911

yes go to the hospital!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hospital now!!! Extremely poisonous substance!!!

i remember when i was in grade 3, my classmate accidentaly drank mercury from a thermometer, he was sent to the hospital. go to the hospital now! :)

Thermometers haven't been made with mercury for a long time, It's harmless if it wasn't silver colored.

You got a situation right here! You better go to the hostpital my brother said you can die from mercury and my teacher said you loose your hair and you become like disabled but I dont think I belive that. but go to the hostpital

If you are in the US, call poison control. After you get the problem taken care of, please let us know how you "accidentally" drank mercury from a thermometer.

Mercury is very poisons when ingested. It was removed from our thermometers about 40 years ago.

How in the hell do you accidently drink mercury from a thermometer? Are you special? Get to a doctors before you hurt yourself anymore! And be careful not to cause accidents for the non-limited-brain-capacity people out there!

Go now! good luck!!! wait a minute,why the heck did you drink mercury?? GEEZ

Supposedly it will kil you. It didn't kill me and I did the same thing. But now I can' be near digital clocks and my kids have issues that may have been caused by the mercury. I'd say go to the hospital. Especially since you may have unknowingly swallowed a few shards of glass as well.

Oh for christ's sake, you wouldn't be typing this if you drank Mercury. You people are getting annoying. If you want a real injury or problem, there are plenty of psychos who'd be more than happy to hurt you.

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