is there anything shameful than this?!

Question: Is there anything shameful than this?
From where should i start?
We had a reason to be human.
So life shouldn’t be unfair.
I used to be happy.
But i am not anymore.
Cause i ruined everything i had.
I still believe i have some hope.
But i know i am not happy anymore.
Or doesn’t feel proud to be alive.


The peoples of yore were not content with slightly tarnished perfections too.

But those who stayed on the road never lost moments of happiness and bliss.

It is what you do in all of those present moments which counts, and the feelings of worth multiply with good intentions.

Problems can be shameful, but that changes into lights and perfections when these challenges are viewed as opportunities.

You pick the little things which come your way, the ones you can make better.

Your strength grows with your own lights and perfections.

Happiness is taking time to rest briefly at each new ladder rung. And sometimes it is a spectacular mountain plateau with colorful flowers in the sunshine and a bubbling brook.

Inviting others provides even greater comforts, and that is called sharing.

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