Itchy Throat with burning for days?!

Question: Itchy Throat with burning for days?
It's all itchy and burning right where I swallow and talk so my voice keeps cracking. Honey and tea doesn't help and it feels like somethings there. It's hard to eat. It feels really raw there.

It's been there for days and I don't know how to fix it! Does anyone have any ideas? I'm slowly going hungry cause it's too hard to eat anything.


Itchy throat is an irritating sensation in the throat that provokes desire to cough. Other symptoms like pain, secretions, difficulty eating or speaking, runny nose or itchy eyes may accompany throat itch, depending on the cause.

Conditions that may cause itchy throat:
1. Dry Throat

Dry throat often appears together with dry eyes, mouth and skin. Common causes are:

* Cold windy weather
* ‘Sick building disease’ from excessive indoor heating or air condition
* Stuffed nose and breathing through mouth
* Acute or chronic throat inflammation
* Dehydration
* Under-active salivary glands in old people
* Marijuana and tobacco smoking
* Caffeine in coffee, sodas and energy drinks
* Alcohol
* Sj?gren’s syndrome
* Medications, such as antidepressants, drugs to treat urine incontinence, belladonna (atropine), barbiturates, ergotamine, opium, diuretics, antihistamines or sprays to treat asthma.

2. Loud Speaking or Singing

3. Foreign Body

4. Irritant Substances

5. Psychological Causes

6. Infections of the Throat
Viral Infections

Herpes simplex or Herpes zoster virus may, rarely, affect the mouth or throat.

8. Throat Itch in Systemic Diseases

9. Allergies to Food, and Environmental Allergens

10. Tumors

Tumors in the pharynx or larynx may cause itchy throat.

11. Disorders in the Neck

Enlarged thyroid or lymph nodes, abscess, tumor, dislodged tissues after an injury, or fibrous tissue (adhesions) after a surgery may press upon the throat from outside and irritate it.

12. GERD

In gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD), acid from the stomach comes up into the throat and irritates it, causing itching and burning feeling known as heartburn.

13. Vomiting

14. Diagnostic and Therapeutic Procedures


Immediate relief from an itchy throat, when your throat is dry, is by drinking some water. Having a bottle of water or a cup of herbal tea (without teine) in the reach of the hand can really help in dry indoor air. Being well hydrated is essential. If you excrete at least 200 ml of clear white or yellow urine every morning, you are well hydrated.

Try to remove the cause. If you have a hay fever, do not hang around the woods and parks. In air pollution, close the windows. Breath through the nose, and do not speak loudly all the day, if possible.

Pain killers, antibiotics, anti-cough syrups, corticosteroids and antihistamines should be used only when a cause is obvious and symptoms are disturbing your daily activities. Antibiotics quite often cause antibiotic associated diarrhea, even after only few days of use, and steroids have several side effect, including fungal infection of the mouth and throat.

Remedies help in a mild itch due to a dry throat, but not in a severe inflammation. Throat itch is often transitional, so there is no need to spend money for several remedies.…

Well I'd say drink water if it's a 'burning' feeling.
And see your doctor as soon as possible.

It sounds like an STD or a yeast infection.

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