How to rid a waxy build up in ear?!

Question: How to rid a waxy build up in ear!?
The other day while getting out of the shower!. While cleaning my ear I had apparently put the Q tip way to far in my ear!. Possibly pushing ear wax back in a way that partially blocked my hearing!. After a few days I tried the Q tip again only making it worse!. Now my hearing is 90% blocked and it is very aggravating is there any homemade remedy or anything I can do!? I cannot go to the doctor because its Thanksgiving day tomorrow and Holiday!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Not really, you just have to wait for it to clear up on its own!. A doctor can "flush it out" (simple process), but that's all that can really be done for an effective remedy!. Pretty annoying, isn't it!? Don't be harsh with q-tips if trying to fix it because you can actually do serious damage to your ear drum with a q-tip!.Www@Answer-Health@Com


You need to go to a new age shop or natural remedies kinda place, maybe a co-op grocery store or something!.

They are wax cones you light on fire and they heat up and suck up the wax in the ear!.

People also suggest peroxide flushing!.

You could also lay down on a heating pad to warm up the wax!.

Flush your ears when you are in the shower with water by holding your head to the side and letting the water go into the ear!. Then dump it out and repeat!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Oh, that's horrible! I had that when I was on vacation, it really was horrible!. Fill up your bathtub with water and take a bath, swishing your head around in the water until it comes out!. It went away! It may take a few baths (I took one every 2 hours or so, 3 baths, it got better each time) but it will be gone really soon!.
:) Happy Thanksgiving! :)Www@Answer-Health@Com

your screwed honey child how bout you stop sticking things in your ear!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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