Do I have anxiety problem?!

Question: Do I have anxiety problem!?
A few days ago I was in class and all of a sudden I began to get extremely nervous and started sweating too!. I don't know why it happened it just came out of nowhere!. My father has an anxiety problem too, so can I get it from genes!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

It is likely you had a panic attack!. It is important to check with your doctor because anxiety can be caused by many different other medical conditions like thyroid problems, etc!. It could be genetic!. There is a wonderful book called Hope and Help For Your Nerves by Claire Weekes!. There are many techniques you can use to keep anxiety under wraps!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Yes, high anxiety can be inherited but not in every case!. My mom was a super highly anxious person all her life and I have been that way since I was a very small child!. Even before I was old enough to be anxious about things in general, I was a totally nervous wreck! That is how I know I inherited my mothers' anxiety problem!. It also sounds as if you had a panic attack!. When you have a panic attack you need to try and relax your body and not get anxious and remember that no matter how badly it feels that you will get through it!. It will pass much quicker if you relax through it!. I had panic attacks for years until I learned to relax through them and then they would pass much easier!. It's hard to relax bc they are so scary!.!.!.but you have to keep telling yourself that it's just your body reacting to stress and anxiety and it will pass!. You should see a doctor if this happens very often!. There is help out there for these scary episodes!. Good luck to you, and RELAX! Www@Answer-Health@Com

yea it is hereditary!.!. my mom had it for awhile and now iv'e had it for about 2 1'2 to 3 years!.!.!. what u had was more like anxiety!. panic attacks feel like ur dying!. with your heart racing fast and ect!. if u have one agian the best thing for you to do it why your feeling like that avoid it 100% and think abut something or read something and dont take ur mind off of what your doing for about 5 to 10 mins!.!. because if u sit there and start to freak out and worry thinking your dying is when u start to hyperventalate and ect!.!.!. goodluck!. let me kno how it worksWww@Answer-Health@Com

yes!. maybe panic attacks!.see a doctor!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

See a Doctor!. Get some medicine you will be fineWww@Answer-Health@Com

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