Bad things about water?!

Question: Bad things about water!?
What are some bad things about water!.!.!.even if there aren't any make some up

Or good things about not drinking waterWww@Answer-Health@Com

Bad things about water can be!.!.!.

1!. It has harmful bacteria and germs!.
2!. Sometimes it can cause diseases
3!. Water bottles can cause environmental issues!.

It all depends on what kind of water your talking about!.


To more direct about your question, too much of water can be a bad thing!. If you drink so much you will actually get up to toxic levels, causing body wide failure and finally resulting in death!.
There was this one story about a lady who died from drinking too much water from a radio contest event, you should look it up!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Why would you want someone to make something up about water!?
That's really ignorant!.
Water in general is good for you!.
However, city tap water isn't, beware of it!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

never 100% safe, and tap water has a bunch of crap like fluoride and chlorine!. The other option bottled water which is bad for the environment because plastic bottles take a while to recycle

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