Why do my muscles keep locking?!

Question: Why do my muscles keep locking!?
For the last couple of weeks when I stretch my legs the back of my lower left leg has been locking up!. It has shooting pain and I have to massage it to get it to loosen up!. Just a while ago I was stretching and my toe locked up!. Is there any reason why this has been happening lately!? Should I be worried, or am I just low on a certain vitamin!?

What do you think it is!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

Ah, you should be proud of these!. This is called a "Charlie Horse", or just cramping of the muscular tissue!. This is PERFECTLY normal and usually occurs when you don't have enough potassium (bananas) in your diet, and can happen to joints, muscles, and/or appendages!. Just don't sweat this and make sure to keep a healthy diet!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Well, a while back my gym teacher told me a story about marcaronni and it goes a lil something like this!.!.!. Ok, before you boilk the macaroni you can't bend it or it will breack!.!.!.right!? so before you work out or do any sports activities you should warmup and then the macaroni can stretch!.!.!. go slow with your workouts so that you can gradually get used to a bigger exercise!.!. trust me, if u don't stretch it will hurt to sit down!.!.!. I don't recommend doing walking lunges with 20pnds on your back!.!.!. that's what I'm feeling!.!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

For medical issues go to a doctor!.

If it is a muscle spasm you are speaking of!.
You may be lacking potassium!. Eat bananas!

That would be my best guess,when i rowed lots, i found eating bananas really reduced muscle spasms!.

But asking a doctor would be best of course!.

Best wishes!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

This happens very commonly to my toes when playing soccer, or hockey!. I don't really know why this happens, and I don't really think its iron!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

you need more water that always happens to me!. Its where your body needs more water and your muscles are reacting to not getting any!. drunk pluty of waterWww@Answer-Health@Com

probly muscle cramps!. i get them on and off after working out a certain muscle!. nothing you should be real worried about!. it does hurt though!.!.:(Www@Answer-Health@Com

Potassium - eat more bananas!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

you may be hyperflexing your muscles!. stop doing that!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I get the same thing maybe it is IRONWww@Answer-Health@Com

maybe go to the doctors to get it checked out and see what they say!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

try drinkin some more milk see if it helpsWww@Answer-Health@Com

try drinking a lot more fluidsWww@Answer-Health@Com

maybe its cause your gayWww@Answer-Health@Com

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