How not to get addicted to smoking?!

Question: How not to get addicted to smoking!?
I had my first cigarette today!. I have been under a lot of stress lately, and I find that for some weird reason smoking helps me relax!. Now, I am aware of all the nasty stuff that comes with it, bad breath/teeth, cancer, reproductive system disorders, etc etc etc!.!.!. so I'd rather not get addicted!.

When would you say it's safe to have a second one!? Like how long should I wait before having another!? a week!? two weeks!?

thanks!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

It's different for everybody!. Some people become addicted more easily that others!. The best way is just to not smoke!. Find something healthier that helps you relax!.

If you must though, I'd say at least a couple weeks if not longer!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

uhmm!.!.!.quit there's no way you can't become addicted

You'll be sorry in a couple of years, so please do your self a good favor and stop

for relaxation just take power naps if you need one, take a walk get a breath of fresh air that always helps

solve your problems dont ignore them cus they'll just come back maybe talk to someone!.

hang with your friends

when your older honestly you'll regret this stuff and urgg please just dont!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

The fact that it relaxes you makes you really vulnerable to addiction!.

Marijuana is much less harmful on the lungs, is not in any way addictive, and relaxes a lot of people!. Just a suggestion!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

You're playing with fire!.

Nicotine affects the pleasure centre of our brain - same place as sex!.

One cigarette gave you a rush of pleasure/relaxation!.
Now you want another one!.
Hmmm You are already hooked so STOP NOW!Www@Answer-Health@Com

don't smoke!. drink more!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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